Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
– Matthew 5:16
FUMC has a heart for service. Serving is a way to make Jesus real to an unbelieving world. We’re called to give our time and talents to help others. Service opportunities at FUMC include gifts of healing, life essentials, disaster supplies and prayer. We are also exploring new ways to be in mission with others in response to the growing number of people in need in the community and in the world. We generously support UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and other international relief organizations. We invite you to experience new life in Christ by following his example to serve others in the church, in the community, and in the world.
United Methodist Connections
In The World
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Women

FUMC has a heart for service. Serving is a way to make Jesus real to an unbelieving world. We’re called to give our time and talents to help others. Service opportunities at FUMC include gifts of healing, life essentials, disaster supplies and prayer. We are also exploring new ways to be in mission with others in response to the growing number of people in need in the community and in the world. We generously support UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) and other international relief organizations. We invite you to experience new life in Christ by following his example to serve others in the church, in the community, and in the world.

Let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
– Matthew 5:16

Confirmation Mentor
Sing in a Choir
Help at Vacation Bible School
Watering & Weeding Flower Beds
Sunday School Teacher
Sanctuary Care Team
Fellowship Host
Meal Set up or Clean Up

Some people are happiest working behind the scenes
while others like to be ‘upfront.’
Whether you have lots of time to give or just a little,
there are many ways to serve in the church.
Below is just a sampling:
We offer opportunities for community outreach, partnering with local service organizations in many instances.
Contact the church office for more information on any of the programs listed below.
Angel Tree
A donation of holiday gifts for disadvantaged residents of all ages in the local community. Sponsored by the Palatine Township.
Have a Heart Pillow Ministry
Heart –shaped fleece pillows are made for breast cancer patients at Alexian Brothers and Lutheran General Hospitals
Meals on Wheels
Volunteers deliver meals to area homebound senior citizens.
Midwest Mission Distribution Center
Located near Springfield, IL. Volunteers sort, pack, and ship disaster response relief items (health kits, sewing kits, flood buckets,
layette kits, school bags, school kits, and healthy birth kits)
Palatine Township Food Pantry
Non-perishable food and paper goods are collected on Sunday mornings and delivered to the Palatine Township Food Pantry.
Items collected include flour, sugar, rice, beans, cooking oil, oatmeal, canned vegetables, canned fruit, and paper products. Collection baskets are in the Narthex.
Rogers Park Soup Kitchen
The United Methodist Church of Rogers Park, IL provides a Sunday evening dinner for neighborhood residents.
Volunteers assist with set-up, food service and clean-up.

Blanket Sunday
Church World Service distributes donated blankets worldwide wherever disasters occur.

A non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God’s starving children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals formulated specially for starving children, and they ship the meals to more than 60 countries around the world.
Loose Change Offering
The Sunday morning loose change offering is contributed to a different Rainbow Covenant fund each month that is chosen by the Missions Committee. Examples include missionaries in Zambia, Grace Children’s Hospital in Haiti, and the Bethany Methodist Good Samaritan Program.
Children’s Sunday
School Missions
Project Linus
Heifer Project
The United Methodist Children’s Fund
for Christian Mission

United Methodist Men (UMM) connects men of FUMC to Elgin District and Northern Illinois Conference UMM programs, and to the General Commission on United Methodist Men. Men of FUMC participate in Lenten and Advent worship services, Spiritual Congress retreat, and surplus food distribution with other men of Elgin district and the Northern Illinois Conference.
The men’s team continues to grow in events like Trunk or Treat held in October and serves over 300 of our little citizens in costume and their parents. We also reach out to our neighbors and embrace our community as individuals by serving the township, the homeless, and others in need. We are always looking for new members to share the fun and joy our activities bring to others and ourselves. Men of the church, consider joining us for God’s glory.
If you have questions and/or wish to become a team member, please contact the church office.